ABILENE, TX – – January 26, 2011– Todd Meek, Corporate Safety Director for The Lauren Corporation, will be speaking at two prominent safety conferences within the coming months. Lauren’s safety program has drawn national attention by achieving 6 million workhours without a lost-time injury – a feat seldom accomplished in the construction industry.

Meek will be speaking at RMEL’s Health, Safety and Security Conference in April, followed by the World Safety Organization’s 24th International Environmental Occupational Safety & Health Professional Development Conference in July. Meek’s presentation for RMEL will be titled “It’s All in the Approach,” with a focus on how to set the tone for an industry-leading safety program. Meeks presentation for the World Safety Organization will be titled “Contractors Safety” and will address the Behavior Based Safety Approach, which has served as a key foundational element for Lauren’s safety success.

A13 year veteran of the construction industry, Meek has held a number of safety positions at the field level and as director of corporate safety. Meek is a certified master trainer with the NCCER and a Certified Safety Executive with the World Safety Organization. Under his guidance, Lauren’s program has made marked strides towards safety excellence, culminating with a record TIR of 0.21 and LTIR of 0.00 for Year Ending 2010.

“Lauren is proud of our safety record which reflects upon our primary corporate commitment: to keep every employee under Lauren’s care safe – every minute of every day. Lauren has long had an exceptional safety record, but Todd has helped us to reach new levels of excellence in safety and take our program to the next level. We are thrilled with our most recent results and will continue to put the full force of our financial and personnel resources behind the goal of safety excellence – for every project, every worker, every day,” said Cleve Whitener, Lauren’s Chief Executive Officer.

As the Corporate Safety Director, Meek is tasked with maintaining a safety program that inspires the workforce to work safely. This is accomplished through a number of training programs at the craft level and the management level.

“Most simply, we engrain a habit of safe work through a consistent approach on each of our jobsites”, says Meek. “Our safety program is not merely a list of bullets on a page; it is a rich culture which is embodied by our employees literally from the ground up.”

About Lauren
Lauren, founded in 1984, is the leader for Concentrated Solar Power Facilities in the United States. Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services throughout a variety of markets, including Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.