HOUSTON, TX – FEBRUARY 11, 2014: Lauren Engineers & Constructors Sr. Director of Project Development for Oil & Gas, Mr. Thomas M. Terris, will speak at a PMWeb seminar in Moscow, Russia on February 13-14, 2014. The seminar, entitled “Russian and International Approaches to Capital Project Engineering and Project Management,” is being provided to Project Management professionals from the Russian oil and gas company Gazprom Neft. Mr. Terris will present topics including International Project Delivery and Project Management Best/Value Practices with focus on the Front-End Loading (FEL) stage-gate process.

Mr. Terris has twenty years of international Project Management experience, having held positions in Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and Italy. He is an experienced Project Director/Manager with a process engineering background in midstream, refining, and petrochemicals. He has used best/value practices to develop a strong track record of leadership on key projects and initiatives, optimizing processes and effectively applying resources to improve margins and create increased top line value. Mr. Terris has directed projects ranging from small in scope to “mega” projects for owner and engineering/ construction companies.

About Lauren:
Lauren provides engineering, procurement and construction services throughout a variety of heavy-industrial markets, including Power Generation, Chemical/Process, and Oil & Gas. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.