ABILENE, TX – March 10, 2011 – Today, Lauren Engineers & Constructors, Inc, a leading Design-Build contractor in North America, was awarded The Governor’s Awards of Excellence by the Tennessee Occupational Safety & Health Administration office. The ceremony took place on-site at Nuclear Fuel Services’ (NFS) facility in Erwin, TN, and recognizes Lauren’s industry-leading safety performance.

Lauren employees have provided engineering and construction services to support the operation of this strategic facility for the past 13 years. NFS’ facility in Erwin, TN, manufactures nuclear fuel for the U.S. Navy’s fleet of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines.

The Governors Award of Excellence is an annual safety award which is administered by the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, under the division of Occupational Safety & Health. According to the program website, The Governor’s Award of Excellence honors employers and their employees who together have achieved a required number of hours worked without experiencing a lost workday or restricted duty case at their establishment.

According to Jim Flanagan, TOSHA’s VPP Manager, “TOSHA and the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development will present approximately eight (8) Governor’s Awards per year. Only two or three of those awards are typically presented to construction contractors.”

“Lauren’s exceptional safety performance at this location is the result of a significant investment of both time and energy on the part of both Lauren and NFS management, and we are honored to receive this distinguished safety award,” said Jerry Hobbs, Vice President of Projects.

“Safety is always our top priority,” said Rear Adm. (ret.) Joseph G. Henry, President of NFS. “We appreciate Lauren’s safety performance at our facility and congratulate them on this well-deserved honor.”

About Lauren:
Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services throughout a variety of markets worldwide, including Alternative Energy, Power, Polymers, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.