2009 | Lauren https://laurenec.com Engineers & Constructors Tue, 20 Oct 2020 16:04:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 wp-content/uploads/2020/10/icon.png 2009 | Lauren https://laurenec.com 32 32 Lauren to Speak at Concentrated Solar Power Conference in Denver, CO 2009/08/25/lauren-to-speak-at-concentrated-solar-power-conference-in-denver-co/ Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:53:20 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=638 Lauren Engineers & Constructors will be serving as a keynote speakers for EUCI’s Concentrated Solar Power Conference to be held August 25-26, 2009. A representative from Lauren will be speaking on key points for concentrated solar power, including how to reduce costs through project collaboration. Lauren’s unique position as the EPC contractor for Nevada Solar One and FPL’s Martin Solar Project make Lauren uniquely qualified to serve as an expert on the topic of Concentrated Solar Power.

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren to Speak at Concentrated Solar Power Conference in San Francisco, CA 2009/07/01/lauren-to-speak-at-concentrated-solar-power-conference-in-san-francisco-ca/ Wed, 01 Jul 2009 08:57:19 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=648 Several representatives from Lauren Engineers & Constructors will be serving as keynote speakers for the Concentrated Solar Power Summit in San Francisco, CA. Hosted by CSP Today, this conference will be held from June 30-July 1, 2009. Clint Rosenbaum, VP of Engineering, will be speaking on key points for concentrated solar power. Additionally, Ron Johnson, VP of Project Management, will be serving on an expert panel covering major issues/challenges facing the CSP industry. Having served in major roles for the Nevada Solar One Project as well as the FPL Martin Project, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Rosenbaum are uniquely qualified to speak as experts on the topic of Concentrated Solar Power.

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren Continues to Climb up ENR’s Top 400 Contractors List for the Third Consecutive Year 2009/06/25/lauren-continues-to-climb-up-enrs-top-400-contractors-list-for-the-third-consecutive-year/ Thu, 25 Jun 2009 08:43:22 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=634 ENR Top 400 Contractors List
Each year since 1965, ENR has surveyed the construction industry to determine the 400 largest general contractors in the U.S. The Top 400 Contractors list, published annually in May, ranks the top 400 general contractors, both publicly and privately held, based on revenues.

The Lauren Corporation has achieved an outstanding accomplishment by being ranked #201 on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors List for 2009.

This is the third consecutive year that Lauren has been ranked on this list of elite contractors.
Top 400 Contractors List

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren to Award Scholarship Funds for 2009-2010 Academic Year 2009/06/03/lauren-to-award-scholarship-funds-for-2009-2010-academic-year/ Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:44:32 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=636 Lauren established the Ben Malek Memorial Scholarship in 2005 to honor this past employee who gave so much of himself to the Company and his community. In 2006, the Phyllis Milne Memorial Scholarship was added to honor the lasting impression Mrs. Milne made on countless lives throughout the company. The intention of these scholarships is to help further the educational goals of students who are committed to working and studying hard to achieve their goals.

The Scholarship fund is $2,000 and will be awarded to two honorable recipients for $1,000 each. The Scholarship awards will be made by the Scholarship Selection Committee, based solely on the content of the application.

The Scholarship Selection Committee will base their decisions on the following items:

  • Eligibility and Qualifications (as explained on the attached list)
  • Description of Personal and Career Goals
  • Explanation of “Why You Should Be Our Choice for the Scholarship”

The deadline for sending in applications is Friday, June 19, 2009. The decision will be made by Friday, July 17, 2009. All applicants will be notified by letter.

An official application is attached along with the “Eligibility and Qualifications.”

We encourage all eligible students to submit an application.


The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren Named as Big Brothers Big Sisters Corporate Sponsor of the Year 2009/04/02/lauren-named-as-big-brothers-big-sisters-corporate-sponsor-of-the-year/ Thu, 02 Apr 2009 08:54:12 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=640 Abilene, TX, April 2, 2009: Lauren was recently honored as the 2008 Corporate Sponsor of the Year for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

In 2008, Lauren forged a strong partnership with BBBS of Abilene in order to serve at-risk youth in the Abilene community. During 2008, Lauren hosted a number of events for BBBS, including a game night at our fabrication facility and a big for a day event at ACU. Lauren also sponsored several BBBS activities including a Christmas Concert for mentors and their littles.

Vice President of Engineering, Clint Rosenbaum, accepted the award on behalf of Lauren and reemphasized our commitment to a long-standing partnership with BBBS.

Lauren is proud to partner with BBBS to assist the youth in the Abilene community. In doing so, Lauren is not only partnering with a great organization with a great cause, but we are also living out our vision: “To be a light to the World.”

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren to Build the World’s Second Largest Solar Power Plant 2009/03/26/lauren-to-build-the-worlds-second-largest-solar-power-plant/ Thu, 26 Mar 2009 08:57:57 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=650 Abilene, TX, March 26, 2009:  Lauren Engineers & Constructors recently signed a contract with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) as the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for a new 75 MW Concentrated Solar Power Plant located near Indiantown, FL.

This landmark solar project will achieve several milestones for solar power, including:

  • The second largest solar thermal power plant in the World
  • The largest solar thermal plant outside of California
  • The first hybrid solar facility in the world to connect to an existing combined-cycle power plant

This project, named the Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center, will be located on 500 acres of land adjacent to FPL’s Martin Plant.  Using Parabolic Trough Technology to capture heat from the sun, this project will include approximately 200,000 parabolic mirrors.  Total power produced for this new solar plant will be 155,000 MWh of power annually – enough power for 11,000 homes or 26,000 people.

Utilizing the latest in Solar Thermal technology, this revolutionary solar project will help to advance the field of solar power by producing clean energy at a competitive price. According to FPL’s website, the Martin Facility is expected to reduce green house gas emissions by approximately 2.75 million tons over a thirty year period, which is the equivalent of removing more than 18,700 cars from the road annually for the next 30 years.

“Lauren is proud to build this project and is dedicated to a project approach which minimizes disruption to the local community and ecosystem,” said Cleve Whitener, CEO of Lauren Engineers & Constructors.

In addition to this milestone solar project, Lauren also built the Nevada Solar One Power Plant, a 64 MW solar power plant located in Boulder City, Nevada.  Construction for this plant, the largest built in over 17 years, was completed in June 2007.  Lauren’s key role as the only contractor to have built a concentrated solar power facility in the US in the last 17 years has helped to solidify Lauren as the premier contractor for solar power facilities in North America.

Further project details, pictures and videos can be found on Florida Power & Light’s Website:

Lauren is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Materials Handling.  With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. As the EPC contractor for the Nevada Solar One Power Project and as a Top 400 Contractor, Lauren is known as the premier contractor for Concentrated Solar Power facilities in the US. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.
Contact: Jody Lee

Lauren Achieves 2.5 Million Workhours without a Lost Time Incident 2009/03/26/lauren-achieves-2-5-million-workhours-without-a-lost-time-incident/ Thu, 26 Mar 2009 08:54:56 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=642 In March, 2009, Lauren achieved 2.5 million safe work hours without a lost time incident. Achieving this milestone combined efforts of over 1300 personnel across the organization. This achievement reflects upon the corporate safety commitment to provide a well-planned, safe environment for the workforce. This effort involved not only employee safety orientation but also included site and task-specific safety training. Proper tools and personal protective equipment were supplied to the employees, and task reviews were conducted at all levels, applying their input to daily safety planning. This method created a collaborative safety approach where each worker accepted personal accountability for safety and also looked after the welfare of his/her fellow coworker.

Todd Meek, Corporate Safety Director for Lauren, speaks to this point: “Leadership and employee engagement at all levels are what make milestones like this happen. While this is a fantastic accomplishment, we still have a lot to do. The safety culture is changing throughout the industry and Lauren is helping to push safety to a new level of excellence.”

Congratulations are extended to everyone throughout the organization for their part in helping to reach this momentous safety accomplishment.

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren Manufacturing Awarded Large Contract for Pipe and Steel Fabrication and Modular Pipe Rack Assemblies 2009/03/24/lauren-manufacturing-awarded-large-contract-for-pipe-and-steel-fabrication-and-modular-pipe-rack-assemblies/ Tue, 24 Mar 2009 08:56:42 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=646 Lauren Manufacturing, a division of Lauren Engineers & Constructors, was recently awarded a contract by the International Alliance Group (IAG) for pipe and steel fabrication and modular pipe rack assemblies. As part of this work, Lauren is currently working on the “A” & “D” Pipe Modules for the Fort Stockton Selexol & CO2 Frac Plant. Lauren’s quality and schedule management on this project has allowed Lauren to secure a place as the top candidate for the award of additional Train #1 packages including Process Skids and Inter-connecting pipe. With the success of Train #1, it should put us in great position to be awarded Train #2.

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.

Lauren Fabricators to Operate as Lauren Manufacturing 2009/03/01/lauren-fabricators-to-operate-as-lauren-manufacturing/ Sun, 01 Mar 2009 08:55:45 +0000 http://laurentest.com/?p=644 Lauren Fabricators, a division of Lauren Engineers & Constructors, recently elected to change operating names from Lauren Fabricators to Lauren Manufacturing. According to Troy Parker, VP of Manufacturing, the new name better reflects the breadth of services that Lauren offers. As for the scope of services to be provided by Lauren Manufacturing, “Lauren will continue to build on core strengths such as alloy pipe fabrication and modularization, but will be adding our own line of manufactured products.”

The Lauren Corporation is a leader in many diversified markets such as Alternative Energy, Polymers, Power, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Special Metals and Material Handling. With offices throughout the US and Canada, Lauren provides Engineering, Procurement and Construction services to industrial customers worldwide. For more information about Lauren, please visit us online at www.laurenec.com.
